Easton Porter is a thirteen-year-old boy, child of Fred Porter and Christie Porter the protagonist of both Swamp Lullaby and Louisiana Dreamin’, who has psychic powers and is tormented by Big Billy Claret after narrowly escaping the swamp-man, but losing his father in the process. Easton also features as a secondary character in The Thaw.
If you wish to read Swamp Lullaby, which provides further backstory in a rich narrative format, email me and I'll send you a copy.
Scrolls referencing this scroll
Fred Porter
The father of Easton Porter and a protagonist of Swamp Lullaby, who risks his life to rescue his son.
George Thurman
Father of Michelle Hayes and father-in-law to Sam Hayes, George Thurman was born as the second son to a wealthy...
Louisiana Dreamin'
Louisiana Dreamin’ is a young adult horror and dark fantasy novel set in the rural towns and swamps of Louisiana...
Pinnacle Mountain
A settlement located on the slopes of and the caves within Pinnacle Mountain in Arkansas. The settlement is run by...
Swamp Lullaby
A short story I wrote for the TL;DR press NOPE 2 horror anthology. This story was featured on the TL;DR...
The Thaw
The Thaw is a post-apocalyptic zombie survival novel set in the heart of America, set five years after the Fall....
I am Martin Brennan, an Australian writer, and above all I enjoy writing genre fiction. I write horror, sci-fi, fantasy,...